Escape Route Radio Embed

The Ultimate Escape

Welcome to the Ultimate Escape Route where music sets you free! Let's dive deep into the soul and find that song for that perfect release! Toss the stress and bs to outside world and embrace the grace you deserve! Always taking requests and love to find that special song that will make you smile! I love all kinds of genres of music and always love discovering new songs every day! I am DJ RIO so hit me up and let's rock it out in our safe haven Escape Route Radio!

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Welcome to the Ultimate Escape Route where music sets you free! Let's dive deep into the soul and find that song for that perfect release! Toss the stress and bs to outside world and embrace the grace you deserve! Always taking requests and love to find that special song that will make you smile! I love all kinds of genres of music and always love discovering new songs every day! I am DJ RIO so hit me up and let's rock it out in our safe haven Escape Route Radio!

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Escape Route Radio

Welcome to the Ultimate Escape Route where music sets you free! Let's dive deep into the soul and find that song for that perfect release! Toss the stress and bs to outside world and embrace the grace you deserve! Always taking requests and love to find t